Blade roller unit

For planar saw blades

A new SERRA saw blade is already adjusted to the crowning of your cast wheels. Sooner or later, depending on the width of the saw blade, every saw blade needs to be re-rolled.

The same does not apply to planarity: if your saw blade runs off track at the start of the cut, the reason is often that it is not planar. You can either restore the planarity of your blade with a SERRA tensioning bench, or you can use the SERRA blade roller unit, which was developed to allow quick alignment.


To determine whether the saw blade is planar, first measure the blade in clamped-in condition between the guides. To do this, place a straightedge (included in the tool kit of your SERRA sawmill) across the saw blade. If there is no light gap between the straightedge and the body of the saw blade, the blade is planar. If the blade is not planar, there is usually a convex light gap with the teeth pointing slightly upward, and you need to restore the planarity of the blade. 

Product features


Actually, the SERRA blade roller unit performs the same task as the straightening rollers of the SERRA tensioning bench. The difference is that there is no need to relieve and remove the saw blade in order to align it.

  • The blade roller unit is attached in a special bracket in the base frame of the sawmill. 
  • The saw blade is positioned at the correct height. 
  • By activating the feed, it is moved carefully into the blade roller unit with a backward movement. 
  • Using the adjustment knob, the rollers of the blade roller unit are then screwed closer together until they have full contact with the saw blade at the top and bottom.
  • Then turn the knob one quarter-turn further. 
  • Now switch the saw blade on for 10 seconds, then open the blade roller unit and check whether the planarity has improved. 
  • If not, repeat the process. 
  • If the curvature of the saw blade points in the other direction, turn the device around so that the adjustment knob points in the other direction. The whole process takes just a few minutes.

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